At Sea with the USS Ronald Reagan

The first thing I see when I look out my window is my flag of the United States of America blowing in the breeze. Often, I will sit and gaze at the flag - great focus for thinking. These are my musings and ramblings, and, on occasion, rants... I am unapologetic in my support of our military, our country and my devotion to God. I will honor them and pay tribute to them here. Along the side bar you will find tributes to Oregon's fallen warriors.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:02 AM
Labels: Navy
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so
that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday.
For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:01 AM
Labels: Navy, Wednesday Hero
Before his service with the New York Army National Guard, Wiley served in 1986 with the Oregon National Guard A Company, Second Battalion, 162nd Infantry, and later with Troop E of the 116th Calvary in Woodburn.
He is survived by his wife, Theresa; three daughters - Ruth, Jamie and Sarah; and his parents, Ruth and James L. Wiley Sr.
From the comments section of his hometown newspaper:
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:02 AM
Labels: Afghanistan, Oregon, Tribute
Posted by
Flag Gazer
10:07 AM
Labels: Terrorism
It has been one year since Eddie left us... but, he is a man we should never forget. This weekend is a 'reunion' for his family and friends - I wish I had been able to travel across the country to be with them. I hope you will take the time to read his essays - linked at the bottom of the page. Thank you. 9/19/08
Wednesday evening - I had just popped dinner in the oven and sat down at the computer to check my email. Up pops a message from David Jeffers, Eddie's father. It was titled Hope Rides Eternal. I expected a new essay from Eddie - a follow up to Hope Rides Alone. Sadly, that was not to be. I was not prepared for the sad news. This is what my email read:
It is with great personal sadness but joy in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I announce the death of my son Eddie Jeffers. Eddie was killed around 7 am Iraqi time from an accidental vehicle roll-over. Although our personal loss is traumatic, we know he is in a better place. All of you have been so wonderful to my son and my family and he was so blessed and humbled by your love for him. He told me this past summer after the wonderful gift you gave his wife and him that he didn't understand why people were so generous and kind to him. You see to Eddie, he was just doing his job and what he believed was his life mission from God.
I've said this often; Eddie was my hero. My dear brother in Christ Rod Martin told me that Eddie died a hero for not just the soldier he was but the person. Eddie, through his writing, touched so many people's lives, yours and you so lovingly touched ours back.
We thank you in advance for your condolences and prayers. Please pray especially for Eddie's wife Stephanie; as you can imagine she is devastated. Our prayer is that Eddie's death will exalt Christ as did his life.
In lieu of any flowers we are asking all donations be given to the Fisher House in memory of Eddie; he loved that charity.
Love in Christ Jesus
The Jeffers Family
"Blessed be the Lord my Strength, who teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight." -Psalm 144:1 (Eddie's favorite Bible verse)
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
-Revelation 21:4
I write this tonight with a heavy heart and great sadness for the loss to the spirit of our country. Eddie was so special to so many of us who never had the honor of knowing him, but whose hearts he touched with goodness and honor. He was a hero to so many of us. We felt fortunate to be able to show our appreciation for what he gave to so many of us... honesty, faith, hope and the American spirit.
I was fortunate to correspond with Eddie's father this year. We were part - a teeny, tiny part - of a surprise for Eddie and Stephanie on his leave. Eddie Jeffers was more than a name on a page to me. He was a part of the spirit of America that has soared for over 200 years - a young man who loves his country enough to fight for her and to speak out for her, a young man of profound faith in God and in America, a soldier who believed in his mission and was willing to tell us all how much.
Tonight, I grieve for the loss of a friend, the loss of a soldier, the loss of a fine American, and for his wife and family. Our prayers are with them all.
We are all much richer as a nation because Sergeant Eddie Jeffers walked among us.
To read Eddie's essays, click on the titles:
All of these essays were originally printed in
Messages for the Jeffers family may be left in the comments section and will be forwarded to them.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
10:18 AM
Labels: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine, National Guard, Navy
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:03 AM
Labels: Awards-Medals, Hero, Iraq, Marine, Silver Star
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives
so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday.
For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:01 AM
Labels: Iraq, Marine, Tribute, Wednesday Hero
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:23 AM
Labels: Afghanistan, Good News, Iraq, Marine
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives
so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday.
For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes,
They Just Don't Know Where To Look
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:02 AM
Labels: Air Force, Good News, Wednesday Hero
The Oregon Army National Guard will send two CH-47 helicopters and nine personnel to the Southeastern United States to position the airframes for possible support of hurricane relief efforts.
The helicopters and crews will mobilize under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact which allows for the sharing of National Guard resources among the states when a disaster or crisis occurs.
They departed Pendleton and go to Hunter Army Air Field near Savannah, Ga. on Sunday to prepare for the arrival and aftermath of Hurricane Ike.
The CH-47 is a versatile airframe capable of carrying dozens of people, nearly 10 tons of internal cargo, or 13 tons of external cargo in a sling load. The CH-47 may be used for search and rescue operations as well.
For more information, see the official Army CH-47 Fact File:
Posted by
Flag Gazer
11:24 AM
Labels: National Guard, Oregon
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
Pvt. Tan Q. Ngo, 20, of Beaverton, Oregon, died Aug. 27 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered in Zabul Province, Afghanistan, when his mounted patrol received small arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, Hohenfels, Germany.
Funeral Services for Private 1st Class Tan Quoc Ngo for Friday, September 5, 2008 at Willamette National Cemetery, 11800 SE Mt. Scott Blvd., Portland, Oregon. The service is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. The Patriot Guard Riders will be escorting and standing in respect.
A public viewing will be held from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 4th at Finley Sunset Memorial, 6801 SW Sunset Highway in Portland, Oregon.
Private 1st Class (PFC) Tan Ngo enlisted in the U.S. Army in October 2007 and had been in Afghanistan two months at the time of his death.
PFC Ngo was born on June 23, 1988 in Portland, Oregon to Ut Quoc Ngo (Father) and Binh Thanh Sam (Mother). He is the oldest of their four sons, Tien, Thanh and Thien. Having a strong sense of family, Ngo would call or email his family each morning and evening whenever he was away from them.
Ngo attended Elmonica Elementary School, Five Oaks Middle School and graduated from Westview High School in 2006. Following graduation he served in the Job Corps and when he returned he had decided to join the Army to serve his country and protect his family. He also planned to use his military service to further his education. Ngo was well respected and liked in the Beaverton community.
PFC Ngo was very involved with caring for his younger brothers. As the eldest he would get up early to take his brothers to school and other activities. He was also involved in Basketball and Football and enjoyed video games.
The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his honor at any Wells Fargo Bank The account has been set up in his mothers name: Binh Thanh Sam. The monies will be used to ensure higher education for his brothers.
Cards and letters should be sent to the family at the following address:
Ngo Family, 21511 SW Frammy, Aloha, Ore. 97006.
The Governor has ordered Oregon flags to fly at half staff in his honor on Friday, September 5.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
8:46 AM
Labels: Afghanistan, Army, Memorial, Oregon, Tribute
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives
so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday.
For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:03 AM
Labels: Good News, Navy, Wednesday Hero
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:03 AM
Labels: Army, Book Review, History, SOF
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives
so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday.
For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Posted by
Flag Gazer
12:01 AM
Labels: Iraq, Wednesday Hero