Sgt Brennan C Gibson ~ Farewell and Walk with God
Sgt Brennan C Gibson
Died December 10, 2006
Baghdad, Iraq

Army Sgt Brennan C Gibson, 26, died December 10, 2006, when a roadside bomb detonated and destroyed the Humvee he was in. Also killed were Spc. Philip C Ford, 21, of Freeport, Texas and Spc. Shawn M. Murphy, 24, of Fort Bragg, NC. They were traveling on the outskirts of Baghdad. The were members of the 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, Fort Richardson, Alaska.
Sgt. Gibson attended Thurston High School and graduated in 2003 from Oregon State University with a bachelor of science in art, with a special focus on graphic design. He met his wife Corrina while they were students at OSU. Their first child, Kaden, was born just before he deployed to Iraq.
"He loved being a soldier, and he was a good one. If there was a kid that you'd want representing us out there, it was Brennan Gibson," a family friend said.
He is survivied by his wife and child and his parents, John and Linda Gibson of Springfield, Oregon.
Thank you for all the work you do to honor and remember the men and women who sacrfice for our country. We owe them so much.
Words cannot bring back the lives of all the fallen. My heart swells with sadness for the families, the troops, the friends whenever I read the numerous tributes.
Our daughter, she is enlisting, she is so gung-ho and wants to make a difference. I have never seen someone more determined, more patriotic than her. I'm proud of her, she loves her country. She loves her freedoms. She is a mere 17 right now but much braver than myself.
I can only imagine that all these young soldiers felt the same, had that same fire in their hearts. God Bless them all!
Thank you for your tributes.
Thank you for keeping us abreast of the brave young men and women who serve our country. Thanks for visitin my blog - come back soon.
Great post, my prayers are with him and his family.
What amazing young people we have serving this country! Thanks for telling us about them!
Thank you all for visiting.
I am humbled by each of these I write. What remarkable people.
Hey Gibbs!
Sad to loose such nice young people.
Those bastards connot face us they have to use roadside bombs to kill. What a bunch of cowards!
Brennan I will always remember your smile and your laughter! You were more than a friend to me growing up you were like a brother! I love you and am so blessed to have known you through Highschool and then off to college. My heart goes out to your wife and son. I found out a few months after your funeral and I couldn't stop crying. I spent many hours telling my husband stories about you! It brings me much peace knowing you are watching over all of us...we are in good hands indeed.
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