SGT Eddie Jeffers ~ Farewell, and Walk with God
"Blessed be the Lord my Strength,
who teaches my hands to war,
and my fingers to fight."
Psalm 144:1

Wednesday evening - I had just popped dinner in the oven and sat down at the computer to check my email. Up pops a message from David Jeffers, Eddie's father. It was titled Hope Rides Eternal. I expected a new essay from Eddie - a follow up to Hope Rides Alone. Sadly, that was not to be. I was not prepared for the sad news. This is what my email read:
It is with great personal sadness but joy in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I announce the death of my son Eddie Jeffers. Eddie was killed around 7 am Iraqi time from an accidental vehicle roll-over. Although our personal loss is traumatic, we know he is in a better place. All of you have been so wonderful to my son and my family and he was so blessed and humbled by your love for him. He told me this past summer after the wonderful gift you gave his wife and him that he didn't understand why people were so generous and kind to him. You see to Eddie, he was just doing his job and what he believed was his life mission from God.
I've said this often; Eddie was my hero. My dear brother in Christ Rod Martin told me that Eddie died a hero for not just the soldier he was but the person. Eddie, through his writing, touched so many people's lives, yours and you so lovingly touched ours back.
We thank you in advance for your condolences and prayers. Please pray especially for Eddie's wife Stephanie; as you can imagine she is devastated. Our prayer is that Eddie's death will exalt Christ as did his life.
In lieu of any flowers we are asking all donations be given to the Fisher House in memory of Eddie; he loved that charity.
Love in Christ Jesus
The Jeffers Family
"Blessed be the Lord my Strength, who teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight." -Psalm 144:1 (Eddie's favorite Bible verse)
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
-Revelation 21:4
I write this tonight with a heavy heart and great sadness for the loss to the spirit of our country. Eddie was so special to so many of us who never had the honor of knowing him, but whose hearts he touched with goodness and honor. He was a hero to so many of us. We felt fortunate to be able to show our appreciation for what he gave to so many of us... honesty, faith, hope and the American spirit.
I was fortunate to correspond with Eddie's father this year. We were part - a teeny, tiny part - of a surprise for Eddie and Stephanie on his leave. Eddie Jeffers was more than a name on a page to me. He was a part of the spirit of America that has soared for over 200 years - a young man who loves his country enough to fight for her and to speak out for her, a young man of profound faith in God and in America, a soldier who believed in his mission and was willing to tell us all how much.
Tonight, I grieve for the loss of a friend, the loss of a soldier, the loss of a fine American, and for his wife and family. Our prayers are with them all.
We are all much richer as a nation because Sergeant Eddie Jeffers walked among us.
To read Eddie's essays, click on the titles:
All of these essays were originally printed in
Messages for the Jeffers family may be left in the comments section and will be forwarded to them.
My condolences go out to the Jeffers family. America has lost a great American.
Such a fine young man, so sad, rest in peace my friend. I will never forget
America owes Eddie and so many more their thanks for a job well done.
May peace be with the Jeffers family and may they know that the sacrifice made will always be remembered and never forgotten.
I copied this post, any comments I get please take them and forward to the family.
It is difficult to me to hear of his passing, but gratifying to both reflect on his excellent life and read of the grace with which his family is taking this sad news.
I have been a guest of Greg Allen several times of late on his radio show, The Right Balance, including one appearance with Eddie Jeffers' father, Dave. I consider Dave--and thus Eddie--a friend.
Next Friday, (September 28) The Right Balance ( plans to devote an hour of the program to the memory of Eddie. Listners can tune in at 10-noon eastern (rebroadcasts at 10-midnight eastern).
My thanks to the Jeffers family for their sacrifice, and above all, to Eddie for his. Rest in blessed peace, soldier.
Another sad and tragic loss of a soldier who served his country well, faithfully and honorably. What more could any of us have asked of him? Godspeed..
To the whole Jeffers Family, I have no fancy words. My prayer is this- "Lord, please let your loving presence be with them. Let them look down and see one set of foot prints in the beach sand instead of their own. Lord, please let them know without any doubts, of our thanks, as a Nation, for their sacrifice. Thank you, Father, for what you are now and will do. Father, I thank you, for their faith and their loyalty to this Nation. Amen.
Ron Norton "Grumpy"
Dave is one of the best friends (more like a brother really) and one of the finest men I've been blessed to know. We served together in the Army, and we served together at Macedonia Baptist Church. He and his wife Karen met in a Sunday School class I was teaching and I'm proud to say that the teacher has become the student. I'm constantly enlightened by Dave's insight. I knew Eddie as a teenager. I never had the privilege of seeing the fine young man he became. I know of Eddie the young man through his writings and through Dave. I know through Dave that he was a committed servant of Jesus Christ and we will see each other again someday.
I learned through Dave that Eddie was somewhat surprised and overwhelmed by the attention and love that was sent his way. He said that he was just a Soldier doing his job. I am sad at the loss of Eddie Jeffers. I'm sad that I didn't get to see him, shake his hand, hug him...salute him...before he left this world. I am sad that my friend is way down in Florida and I'm here instead of there with him. I'm sad because I know that people who mean so much to me are hurting.
Eddie was a Soldier just doing his job...and I'm sad because so many will miss him...but I am overflowing with joy in the knowledge that one of God's finest Warriors now knows perfect peace. Eddie will never again have to see a frightened face, carry a weapon, be on edge or struggle with fighting for a country that seemingly doesn't appreciate his sacrifice. He will never again be stressed, scared, or paranoid...and he, through faith in Christ, has conquered death. He will never again ride alone. I am overjoyed in the knowledge that Eddie did his job....I cry tears of pure joy knowing that Eddie has been embraced by Jesus Himself and heard the words all believers long to hear....
Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
At ease,
I pray for God's blessings on this brave American son's family and loved ones.
Praying for friends to comfort you,
faith to uphold you.
Rest is peace Eddie.
One cannot help but wonder which is sadder -- this young man's untimely death or comments that have necessitated turning on the moderation.
True Americans appreciate the sacrifices you have all been making.
God help America.
We are praying for comfort for Eddie's family and friends.
He will live on in our hearts and will never be forgotten
I am a member of Soldiers Angels Living Legends team and wish to extend my sympathies at this loss.
Thank you, Sgt Jeffers. You've enriched all our lives by "just doing your job." I hope you will know how deeply we've been moved by your words and deeds.
You will never be forgotten. Semper Gratus, dear Soldier.
I am so deeply sorry to hear of this death, yet so deeply grateful that this man lived. Thank you for your service sir. God Bless your family richly and may His Holy Spirit provide them the comfort they need at this somber time.
Our sympathies go out to his family. We just found out about this through the Canada Free Press. We grieve for his family. God Bless is family and God Speed to Sgt. Jeffers.
We were forwarded the Hope Rides Alone essay and we vow to spread it far and wide.
United Conservatives of Virginia
With sorrow and a heavy heart I offer my sympathies to the family and friends of Sgt Eddie Jeffers. May our Lord hold you close to His heart and give you comfort and strength in the difficult days to come. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
To Sgt Jeffers' family:
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that God will hold you all close and keep you strong right now. Thank you for bringing a man like this into the world--as Flag Gazer said, "We are all much richer as a nation because Sergeant Eddie Jeffers walked among us," and I thank you for it.
Such a short lifespan on earth...but an eternity with God. He will rest in peace.
To the family of Sgt. Jeffers. God Bless you and your family. God Speed to Sgt. Jeffers. We are the parents of Sgt. Ski who was with your son at the time of his death. Our son,Sgt Ski told us he was a Very Good Soldier and will be greatly missed.
No words can truly express the deep sense of loss his family feels. None of us knows, unless we experience it, what they are going through. I know they are proud of him, as I would be, should my son face the same fate. Because of Eddie's sacrifice, we are all safer, but sadder at the loss of a true American patriot, a fine soldier & wonderful young man. May God bless his family & give them strength at this very difficult time. Thank you, Sgt. Jeffers.
"We are all much richer as a nation because Sergeant Eddie Jeffers walked among us."
Yes, indeed.
My sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of this wonderful man. As he fought for us, America, he is our nation's son. We mourn with you.
May your memories of Eddie help you through this trying and sad time. God bless you.
Our sympathy goes out to the Jeffers family with the tragic loss of Eddie. I was fortunate enough to be able to read "Hope Rides Alone", but not until after his death. It was so moving and for such a young man, so seemingly accurate. My thoughs are with you. I will never forget Eddie Jeffers. Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice soldier. I know you are now with the Lord. You are our hero.
God Bless.
I am so sorry. Words can not express the grief I feel over everyone of our fallen soldiers. Such calibar can not be overlooked. I am proud to be an American when I gaze upon the young men in our military,it breaks my heart when they fall. God Bless your family.
Our heartfelt condolences from Huntsville, in North Alabama. As long as he in your heart and memories, he's never far from you.
Yigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihi.
(May the Great Spirit's blessings always be with you.)
Although the loss of this excellent young man breaks my heart, it is exactly people like him who give me hope for the future of our great country and the cause of Christ. His family is in my prayers. Keep the faith!
May God bless this family. They have lost a hero. My husband and I are members of the Patriot Guard Riders. We were having dinner tonight at the Diner in Daleville, AL. Eddie's Grandfather came up to us and thanked us for riding for Eddie at his funeral. It is OUR honor to ride for such a wonderful young man. It is the least we can do for all that he did for us.
Many blessings and thanks. The sacrifice made is incredible and overwhelming. I give thanks that brave men and women protect me and my family, and I pray that my life may justify their efforts.
Eddie is a better American that I could ever hope to be. God Bless his soul.
God Bless Sergeant Eddie Jeffers, and the Jeffers family for raising such an amazing man. God Bless all of our Troops. I hope and pray that your sons amazing words get read by every American..
My heart goes out to you in your loss. I'm in awe of the strength, courage and maturity of Eddie Jeffers. He is a true hero as is your family. God Bless America we need it more than every before.
As greatful as I am for my son's return from Iraq this past week,my thoughts and prayers are for Eddie's family.My son Geoff and Eddie were friends.May God give strength and guidance to our men and women who are protecting our way of life the world over.And may God grant peace to the families of those who gave their all.Their sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Rodger - Please welcome Geoff home for us and thank him for all he has given for us.
Today I wept.
In August 2007, my girlfriend gave me a hard copy of Hope Rides Alone. Her son has been in and out of Iraq four times to date. She knew if would be a hard read for me, as it was for her. I briefly scanned the article and placed it in my To Read folder. Today I read Hope Rides Alone (5 months later). So impressed with the warrior-author, I googled Eddie Jeffers and the top selection was Grazing at the Flag.
I read.....I wept.
There are no words.....
Overall, there are no words, yet we try to express how we feel.
Eddie gave each of us a perspective on Iraq that we may not have had without him. I feel fortunate that I knew him early on, savored his writings and smiled with him.
But, I miss him - thousands who never knew him miss him.
Lots of emotions and tears - words just get in the way.
I have two children currently serving in Iraq.; my daughter, Army, second deployment, my son, Marines, first deployment. I have listened to them and so much of what they have told me echo in Eddie's words. People often ask me how I deal with them being over there and I don't know what to say. It is very dificult of course and at times, I burst into tears just for how much I miss them, but I am proud of the committment they have made to their country, to its values and freedoms and for what they represent as military and as my children. I cringe while seeing so many ungrateful people here; I am thankful for those who take the time to thank me for my children's service. I support my kids in what they have chosen to do and I cannot imagine what Mr. Jeffers and his family have experienced with their son's death. No parent should have to bury a child, but life can end at anytime, peace or war, military or civilian, and if that time ever comes for me, I will know they died for something they believed in and that they worked so hard to do the right thing.
My condolences to the family, my prayers are with you, Eddie, and all those who are serving and have served their country.
Blue Horses~
Thank you for your beautiful comments.
Also, know you can always find support here - thank you for raising children who loved their country and were willing to serve a cause greater than themselves. I know it is difficult to have them gone, but we are grateful for all they do.
God bless you all.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 KJV
How do you thank a soldier and his or her family for making the ultimate sacrifice? Perhaps when we meet in His presence, I will have the words. Until then, you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
"I thank my God always on your behalf..." 1 Corinthians 1:4 KJV
Jeffers Family, I wish to share my condolences in the loss of your son/brother, etc. I enjoyed his letters and whole heartedly support his thoughts that we must support America no matter what our personal feelings are. My husband served proudly for 22 years and it is very difficult to walk our streets, etc. when the general public is always putting down our nation. May God comfort you and your family as only He can. God bless you for the sacrafice you made for our nation.
Thank You for fighting for my freedom Mr. Jeffers
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