Justice for American Soldiers

Last week, the terrorist suspected of these crimes, was captured by Iraqi army and coalition advisors. They had received a tip from an Iraqi citizen. The video of the torture and

The capture of their killer, who is wanted for numerous kidnapings, violent crime, torture and beheadings in Iraq, may not be big news in the media, but it was big news here. PFC Thomas Tucker was a member of our community. He is still remembered and honored here. His parents say that if the lights are on in their home, most cars that drive by will honk. His grave is covered in flowers and, currently, Christmas trees and wreaths.
The Tuckers say that Tom's time in the Army was the happiest and proudest time of his life. But, life will never be the same for the Tucker's. "You wake up every morning and you pray that you've been in a coma and this really hasn't happened, but you get up every morning and it's the same as the day before. They say it gets easier, but I don't know, I don't know when," said Meg Tucker, Tom's mother.
Their killer will now be brought to justice - justice for the murders of these three fine young soldiers - and justice for the many killings of Iraqi citizens. But, their families still grieve. We still grieve.
I hold all of the Gold Star families in my prayers each day. They have made a sacrifice most of us will never know. Their lives will never be the same. Mrs. Menchaca sent me a lovely note after Kristian's funeral. I have received notes from other families, as well. Like their children, they are warm and giving and patriots. We must never forget them for what they have sacrificed for all of us.
Cop the Truth has also posted on this.
My previous post is here.
God bless their families!
Like their children, they are warm and giving and patriots. We must never forget them for what they have sacrificed for all of us.
We must never forget the sacrifices military families make, and what they go through. They deserve our support as well as the soldiers in their families.
They have my support always!
May God be with all of us but more so with the soldiers fighting for our freedom.
I hope if the terrorists get handed to the, US they get the death penalty not codling by the loony left court system!!!
I would like 5 min with the thugs who did this! I am pissed as hell! The soldiers aren't even my family!
I will never ever forget! My anger with these low life AQ's or any thug for that matter ... lets just say I hope they feel my daggers!
I would like to think that all my energy is attacking them each and everyday! I know that it is!
This was just beautiful. Bless their hearts. This was a brutal and terrible thing, and I've not forgotten it.
Thank you, all, for your support for these families.
And, De'on, you are heroic in my eyes and you are always in my prayers.
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