SGT Mikeal Miller ~ Farewell and Walk with God

SGT Mikeal W Miller
Died January 27, 2008
Sgt Mikeal W Miller, 22, son of Albany , Oregon, died January 27, 2008 at the Bethesda Naval Hospital from wounds suffered in Baghdad, Iraq in July. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Calvary Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division of Fort Carson, Colorado.
From the Oregonian: Sgt. Mikeal Wayne Miller, a 2003 graduate of South Albany High School, died at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, more than a week after his family had doctors remove life support, said his mother, Rene Pool.
Miller was injured on July 8, 2007, when a vehicle he was riding in along the streets of Baghdad was struck by small arms fire. He was shot in the head and sustained a brain injury, officials with the U.S. Army said.
He was flown back to the United States where he was treated at Bethesda and a medical treatment center in California. Later, he was flown back to Bethesda, where he died, his family said.
Miller was a member of the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 2nd Infantry Division, said Karen Linne, a spokeswoman for Fort Carson, Colo., where Miller had been based. He was injured during his second deployment in Iraq.
Linne said Miller entered the Army in August 2003, a few months after his high school graduation. He was deployed to Iraq in August 2004 for a year and later redeployed in October 2006 until the time of his injury.
Once he returned home, Miller was transferred to the Fort Lewis Warrior Transition Unit, which aids wounded soldiers, Linne said.
While serving in the Army, Miller received numerous commendations, including the Purple Heart, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal and the Korea Defense Service Medal.
He also received the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terror Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon and a Combat Infantryman's Badge.
He is survived by his wife, Meg Miller; his mother; his father, Steve; and three brothers, friends said.
We wish comfort to the family, friends and fellow soldiers - you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Thanks Flag Gazer again and again for all you do.
I will never forget you sarge.
I love You Cuz...I will always miss you Big Mike
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