Vets on the Hill
Join Vets for Freedom on Capitol Hill on April 8!
Look for this button at

If you’re a veteran of Iraq, Afghanistan, or another theatre of the War on Terror, sign up below to show up on April 8 and tell Congress to support General Petraeus and our fellow troops as they continue to succeed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Veterans will be flown in to Washington, DC late on Monday, April 7th, will participate in events and meetings on Capitol Hill on April 8th, and will be flown home on the evening of the 8th. Attendance will only require one day off of work, and Vets for Freedom will cover all travel expenses for the trip—travel, lodging, and food.
This is a great opportunity for vets. Please consider going.
For the rest of us, we can donate to this great cause at (click the donate button)
And, check the site for the location of the National Heroes Tour
They need all the help and support that we can give them!
Yes, they absolutely do!
I support Vet's For Freedom. I have taken on the task of writting letters to Congress, and other leaders for Vet's For Freedom. i am also working to recruit members from NE Indiana.
Our Troops need our support, and they need to finish the job before coming home. Let's show them that we appreciate their sacrifice and service.
Emery /
Dang. "All expenses paid" is VERY generous of the Vets For Freedom folks. This is a great good thing, but it makes me wonder where the funding is coming from... out of curiosity, more than anything.
Well, I'm not a vet, but I appreciate your work, Flag Gazer!
Have a great holiday!!
Even if you are not vet of Iraq or Afgan, or not a vet at all, you can still join Vets for Freedom as a supporter! As a supporter you can attend Vets on the Hill if you recuirt 4 vets from Iraq/Afgan and you can attend the event as well. So you know I am the State Captain for Arkansas
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