Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mother Nature Rages and the National Guard Responds

When Hurricane Dolly hit Texas and the flooding began, residents could count on the National Guard and the State Military Force to assist them. They rescued, they brought ice and water and food.

As the wildfires ravage California, on the front lines of the fight you will find the National Guard, and not just from California. Units from across the nation have responded to assist.

These are amazing men and women who are there to aid their country, no matter what the emergency might be.
Thank you one and all.


Sarge Charlie said...

How can America thank these guys for what they do.....

Buck said...

Yep... good on the Guard!

Wade Huntsinger said...

They are along way from the model of Weekend Warrior that it was when i was in. Today the Reserve and the Guard are awesome. America cannot do without them!