Colonel Canfield "Bud" D Boone ~ I Remember

Colonel Canfield "Bud" D Boone
February 2, 1948 - September 11, 2001
Colonel Canfield D. "Bud" Boone was murdered on September 11, 2001, when American Airlines Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon. Col. Boone was the Army Gurad's personnel policy integrator for the Army's deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Lieutenant General Timothy Maude. Col Boone was supposed to be out of the office that week, but he went in anyway, to his offices in the newly renovated part of the Pentagon, and was murdered with many members of his staff. He had recently been promoted to Colonel, the official notification arrived on September 14 and the ceremony took place postumously.
Bud Boone, born February 2, 1948, was from Milan, Indiana. He was a graduate of Milan High School, Class of 1966, and played on the legendary basketball team that won the 1954 Indiana State Basketball Championship (Hossiers). He also ran track.
He went to Butler University, majoring in in history and political science. He met his wife, Linda, there. After college, he sold insurance for the Prudential and was in the Army National Guard. In 1986, he went active duty with the Army. The family lived in Indianapolis form 1970 - 1991. In 1991, he moved his family to a two-story colonial in Little Rocky Run in Fairfax County. Boone worked at the Pentagon, Linda was a second-grade teacher at Virginia Run Elementary School and he had three boys, Chris, 23, Andy, 21, and Jason, 18.
Col Boone coached his sons in basketball and baseball and enjoyed golfing and boating with his sons. "It was a chance to be with his boys. They were the light of his life," said Linda Boone. He also loved cars. He had a car that his father had cherished. "He gave it to Bud because he knew Bud would keep it up. His dad was passionate about cars, and bush shared that love. he had the car repainted and found a radio for it and did the carpeting. He would only drive it in the summer. Whenever hsi mother came here, she'd want to ride in it. Now our middle son, Andy, has it; he used to go with Bud to all the car show. It's a connection that unites the Boone men over several generations."
The Boones belonged to the Centreville Presbyterian Church. Col Boone sang with the church choir and with a barbershop quartet. "He whistled all of the time. Sometimes, it drove me crazy. But, I'd give anything if I could hear it now," Linda Boone said. he was also know for his sense of humor.
"He was very patriotic. And I think he liked the order of if and the feeling that he was really doing something for his country," his wife said. "All of work under great pressure, but Bud was always cool and calm," said Lt. Gen Roger Schultz, director of the Army National Guard. "He had something special -- a sense of duty, a sense of pride and a sense of purpose."
"Bud was foremost a servant of his country and his family. He left a tremendous legacy in his three boys," praised Rev. Rob Bromhead, minister of the Centreville Presbyterian Church.
Bud Boone, born February 2, 1948, was from Milan, Indiana. He was a graduate of Milan High School, Class of 1966, and played on the legendary basketball team that won the 1954 Indiana State Basketball Championship (Hossiers). He also ran track.
He went to Butler University, majoring in in history and political science. He met his wife, Linda, there. After college, he sold insurance for the Prudential and was in the Army National Guard. In 1986, he went active duty with the Army. The family lived in Indianapolis form 1970 - 1991. In 1991, he moved his family to a two-story colonial in Little Rocky Run in Fairfax County. Boone worked at the Pentagon, Linda was a second-grade teacher at Virginia Run Elementary School and he had three boys, Chris, 23, Andy, 21, and Jason, 18.
Col Boone coached his sons in basketball and baseball and enjoyed golfing and boating with his sons. "It was a chance to be with his boys. They were the light of his life," said Linda Boone. He also loved cars. He had a car that his father had cherished. "He gave it to Bud because he knew Bud would keep it up. His dad was passionate about cars, and bush shared that love. he had the car repainted and found a radio for it and did the carpeting. He would only drive it in the summer. Whenever hsi mother came here, she'd want to ride in it. Now our middle son, Andy, has it; he used to go with Bud to all the car show. It's a connection that unites the Boone men over several generations."
The Boones belonged to the Centreville Presbyterian Church. Col Boone sang with the church choir and with a barbershop quartet. "He whistled all of the time. Sometimes, it drove me crazy. But, I'd give anything if I could hear it now," Linda Boone said. he was also know for his sense of humor.
"He was very patriotic. And I think he liked the order of if and the feeling that he was really doing something for his country," his wife said. "All of work under great pressure, but Bud was always cool and calm," said Lt. Gen Roger Schultz, director of the Army National Guard. "He had something special -- a sense of duty, a sense of pride and a sense of purpose."
"Bud was foremost a servant of his country and his family. He left a tremendous legacy in his three boys," praised Rev. Rob Bromhead, minister of the Centreville Presbyterian Church.

Col Boone's Legacy pages are available for viewing and comment.

Tribute from the Pentagon Memorial site:
COL Canfield D. Boone, USA
Colonel Boone had a wide array of both Command and Staff Assignments throughout his 31 years of service. Initially enlisting with the Indiana National Guard, Colonel Boone served with the 38th Infantry Division where he attained the rank of Staff Sergeant. After receiving a direct appointment as an AG Officer, Colonel Boone served in a variety of Personnel assignments including Assistant Postal Officer, 38th AG Company, INARNG; Equal Opportunity Operations Officer, 38th Division, INARNG; Battalion Adjutant, HHC 738th Maintenance Battalion, INARNG; and Company Commander, Company B, 738th Maintenance Battalion.
Colonel Boone began his Active Guard/Reserve career in 1986 where he served as the Assistant Professor of Military Science at Eastern Illinois University. His follow-on assignments included Personnel Staff Officer and Personnel Analyst, ARNG Personnel Directorate, Arlington, Virginia; ARNG AGR Assignments Officer, Personnel Secretariat, Arlington, Virginia; Chief, Military Personnel Services Directorate, Arlington, Virginia; and Army National Guard Advisor and Mobilization Integrator, Personnel Command (PERSCOM), Arlington, Virginia. Colonel Boone was assigned as the ARNG Personnel Policy Integrator in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (ODCSPER), Army Pentagon, in August of 1998.
Colonel Boone attended a number of military schools including the Adjutant General Officer Basic Course, Adjutant General Officer Advanced Course, and the Command and General Staff College. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Butler University, and earned a Masters degree in Personnel Management from Webster University.
Colonel Boone’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster), the Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters) and the Army Staff Identification Badge.
He is survived by his wife, Linda; his mother, Gail; his three sons, Chris, Andy and Jason; and his sisters, Gaye Demotte and Joy Caplinger.
Thank you for remembering Col. Boone.
Thank you for doing a tribute to this American hero. Col.. Boone's story is wonderful. Never forget.
Thank you for the wonderful tribute to Col. Boone.
Back again to remember this man. This hero.
Canfield Boone is related to Daniel Boone!
Yours truly,
I'm a novice historian and genealogist. Canfield D. Boone was a 5th cousin, descendant from his mother's family line; Noyes Canfield was the grandson of Maj John Canfield, CT colonial veteran of the Revolutionary War and married to Bethiah Moss (a descendant of the nobles of the British Isles and Europe).
Canfield is a descendant of (William Puignant); relative to the Norman noble - Le Sire de Canouville, who fought with William the Conqueror (1066 AD).
A long line of notable figures...
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