Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Beautiful Day!

As Spring was so late in arriving, we are even more gladdened by the beauty of the late Spring we are having. It still isn't very warm, and I find myself in long sleeves more often than not, but the sun and blue skies are beautiful!! The fields are greening up, the bulbs are blooming, the perennials are peaking up - a late Spring, but Spring nonetheless! K spent the day getting the irrigation system up and running. Putting out the pipes - first cleaning out the critters who have made homes there - checking the spigots for blockage - all time consuming, but it is up and running now. Of course, with this joy comes the weeds! So, we are on weed patrol!! The never ending quest to keep the weeds out of the fields and the flower beds! My fingers are sore from pulling them out, but it feels so good to have my hands back in the dirt! Still, I have a lot of catching up to get even with them!

What glorious gifts God gives us when we choose to see!

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