Help Our Soldiers Help Afghan Children
Helping Our Soldiers
Help Afghan Children
One Pair of Shoes,
One Pair of Mittens,
and a Cap at a Time

Meet Todd Larkin... Todd is a soldier serving in Afghanistan. He is also a humanitarian and my hero for the projects he undertakes for the Afghan children. He needs our help with these projects.
He is trying to get shoes, mittens, caps, coats and sweaters and other warm clothing to hand out to the children of Afghanistan - warm clothes for those without in the grip of winter. The clothes don't need to be new, but they do need to be clean. Toys are good, too!!!
Todd has also put together a cultural exchange program with some of the kids back home in Oklahoma and a school in Afghanistan. This is an excerpt from one of his posts on the project:
While I was looking through the papers and posters I came across one of the most perfect examples of why we are here and what we have done, here is what this wonderful little girl had to say. (Pardon the grammar but this is amazing English for an Afghan 6th Grader)
I am pleased on the arrival of the Coalition Forces in Afghanistan. Because five years ago I and my sisters all sisters of our country couldn’t go to school. The Taliban were controlling all of Afghanistan. They didn’t wanted the girls to go to school and study. And now that we can go to school we are proud for all our sisters. After the collapse of the Taliban we were studying in ruined school buildings and now we are thankful to the Coalition Forces for building us a new school to study. And now all student can study in this new building we become very happy when some help and serve us.
I was pretty amazed and shocked to say the least, what amazing and inspirational words from such a little girl. She should be a perfect example of why we’re here and why we need to stay here.
If you can help him with his projects, please send to:
Michael T. Larkin
Camp Phoenix, AF
APO, AE 09320
And, please visit his website for some wonderful stories and pictures! (which I borrowed/stole to put here - thanks, Todd!!!) Task Force Phoenix
This is great. I'll borrow some of it too, and I'd be happy to help by sending something.
Thanks for keeping us informed!
What an awesome project. We were giving school supplies to children in Afghanistan for some time. This project was also coordinated by a soldier on the ground. Hooah for this project - I'll see what I can dig up!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
This is the kind of project you will never see on MSNBC or any of those other MSM channels. Great post, thanks for the info.
I like this Larkin guy! Someone to hook your pride on and not be disappointed!
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